
Monday, September 22, 2014

A Day off Work and Collecting More Walmart Product Prices

Today is one of those days I will enjoy and not take for granted, as I do not have to go into work today (I've accumulated enough time off through my work to enjoy days like these) and my day looks like it will be packed with several chores.

One of those chores will be going into Walmart and taking more photos of products (that have available coupons) and log them into my handy dandy Walmart Product Price book.  Yes, I've said before, I'm kinda obsessed with this!  Any Who...I'm  happy I have more time to do this today.  I do plan on adding these prices later on today.  (Some product prices may vary from region to region, depending on your local Walmart).

Another chore I HAVE to do today...take my beloved Pug, Bugsey, to the vet.  She hates this, but those nails HAVE TO BE CLIPPED! My poor Pug seems to know instantly, when I put her in a vehicle, that something unpleasant is about to happen. I don't get it, the vet has never hurt her and always does a fast job in clipping her nails, but she just seems to get all ANXIETY over it. (I'm kinda figuring it out it had something to do with the previous vet, years ago, when he literally clipped into every nail quick she had, this was not a very pleasant experience).

And since I love bargains, my next trip is to the Consignment shop.  It's not very often I get to visit one, but since I have the day off, I have more time to shop around for bargains.  

Last, but certainly not least....Update Not Just Another Southern Gal blog to bring all of you the Walmart Product Prices I have gathered so far.

What Walmart Prices Do You Have To Share?  

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