
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Coupon Addict maybe I'm not THAT extreme of a couponer as some of you may have seen on TLC's Extreme Couponing, but I am pretty serious about my coupons and using them at the right time.

Some of my friends have asked, "where do you get your coupons."  I get my coupons from various places.  Majority of my coupons come from printable sites, such as,,, and even Facebook.

It's not a bad idea to LIKE a Facebook page on products that you purchase often.  Most time, these Facebook pages will offer printable coupons for you to use, just for being a follower. is an excellent source for printable coupons, and once you become a member (totally free), you can change the zip code in your profile and have the possibility of seeing a couple coupons you don't see, if you just use your own local zip code.

Other sources are Clipping services.  Clipping services are online sites that offer many, many coupons that come from other sources such as your Sunday newspapers, magazines, etc. These sites allow you to purchase coupons for just a small processing fee (for clipping the coupons) and can range from $0.05 to $0.28, depending how high demand or popular the product is.  Most of these coupons that are up in the $0.28 range, are usually coupons that either allow you to get the product free, from stores or sometimes even a MONEY MAKER.

I use these sites quite a bit, and I normally do not pay over $3.00..that is with the purchase of the coupons (approx. 15-20) and a $1.00 shipping fee.  My two favorite Clipping services are: and  These sites allow you to purchase as many coupons as you like (some high demand coupons are limited to 10-12 per day) with only a $1.00 shipping.

I have purchased many products at stores and have come out paying only half the amount I normally would if I didn't use coupons.  There have been many times I have even walked away with FREE, yes i said FREE, products.  

The best time to use coupons, are of course, before they expire. You will want to save your coupons for when the item goes on sale at your local grocery store.  I am constantly scouring the stores I visit, weekly sale ads and even my favorite coupon forums for daily deals and the best place to use my coupons.  

Each month, stores have sales on certain items and each month is designated to certain type of products, but we will get into that at another time.

Feel free to send me a comment or question if you have any questions on using coupons.


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