
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Colon Cleanse Review

Recently, I've been trying out Hera Prime's Colon Cleanse capsules.  Since I am known not to have (cough cough) regular bowel movements, I decided to give these Colon Cleanse capsules a try.  I've never used any type of Colon Cleanse product and have always been kind of skeptical when it comes to products like this, that claims it will help regulate, clean and detoxify your body of toxins and possibly lose a few pounds, due to the garbage that resides in your body.

Hera Prime Colon Cleanse capsules claims to do the following:

*Promote Digestive Health 
*Promote Weight Loss
*Boosts Energy
*Eliminate Toxins Naturally

The directions states to take two capsules in the morning, with your first meal.  If your body can tolerate it and you have no problems what so ever, take another two capsules in the evening, with your evening meal.  I've done this for about a week to a week and half and as much as I hate to say this, I couldn't really tell any difference.  I was expecting to possibly "go" a couple times a day...which was not what happened.  I expected to maybe lose a few pounds...again, didn't happen, but most of all, I was hoping it would relieve some of my bloating...still not sure about this.

As usual, I went at my normal time in the morning (there was no change in this) and although I took two capsules in the evening, I didn't see any change after I went to bed.  

I know that everyone's body is different and that everyone's body reacts a different way and not everyone will have the same result.  I'm thinking I may be the one that didn't have any results.  NOW....I will tell you, that AFTER I missed a day or two of not taking these Colon Cleanse capsules, it seemed like I "went" a lot easier and had a better outcome.

I'm not saying these Colon Cleanse capsules wouldn't work for you, I'm just saying, they didn't work for me...not that I could really tell.  If you are interested in trying the Colon Cleanse capsules for yourself, you can purchase them through Amazon.

I plan to stop taking these Colon Cleanse capsules, and see if I get, maybe, better results.  Maybe once you stop taking these capsules, is when they finally work.  I will keep you posted.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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