
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Slow Cooker Apple Cobbler Dessert

It's been awhile since I've posted a slow cooker recipe.  Now, since it's that time of the year, when you want a delicious sweet comfort food for the winter, this slow cooker Apple Cobbler will sure be a hit.  Top the Apple Cobbler with whipped cream or better yet, Vanilla ice cream and you'll have a dessert your whole family will enjoy.

4 cups, cored and sliced
Lemon juice
biscuit dough
Vanilla Ice Cream or Whipped topping

PREP TIME: 35-40 minutes
COOK TIME: 3.5 hours

Start by coring and slicing your apples.  Place them in a bowl of lemon juice to prevent browning. (this is optional, but it will keep your fruit looking fresh and pretty).

Toss your apples in some sugar and cinnamon, to sweeten them up a bit.

Place the apples into your slow cooker and cover with the biscuit dough.

Turn your slow cooker on low.

Cook for 3.5 hours or until fruit is bubbly and dough is done.  DO NOT uncover the pot for at least 2.5 to 3 hours.  The steam and  heat is what cooks the cobbler.  

Serve with Vanilla Ice Cream or whipped topping.

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