
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Apple Jack Life's Premium Lavender Essential Oil Review

I've been hearing and seeing a lot about Essential Oils and the benefits you can get from using them.  There's Peppermint, Lemon, and the one I've been fortunate to have been given the chance to review, Lavender.

The Lavender Essential Oil by Apple Jack Life, comes in a 4 oz. bottle with a cap.  The bottle also came with an eye dropper, separately wrapped.  Once I opened the bottle, I could instantly smell the sweet, calming scent of Lavender.  I removed the cap and replaced it with the eye dropper, as the eye dropper will give you better control on how much to use.

Lavender is known to stimulate your senses and is known for it's calming and relaxing effect on the senses.  You can place a couple drops in your bath water, if you want to unwind and relax while taking a bath.  You can also place a couple drops on your pillow, at night, to help you unwind from a stressful day and lull you off to sleep. 

The Lavender Essential Oil has such a relaxing scent that I couldn't stop smelling it!  I accidentally got a few drops on my hand, when inserting the eye dropper into the bottle and could still smell the scent, even after an hour!

Uses for the Lavender Essential Oil by Apple Jack Life:

1.   A drop or two on the forehead, temples, wrists or feet...anywhere to relieve stress
2.   A couple drops in bath unwind after a stressful day
3.   Massage oil to help relax
4.   A few drops in a warmer pot with a tad bit of water (almost like a Scentsy pot)
5.   Put a drop on an insect sting to reduce swelling and sting
6.   Put a drop or two on a burn...will help with redness and pain
7.   Add a few drops to laundry
8.   Add a couple drops to a pet's bath
9.   Relaxes aching muscles
10. Promote Hair Growth
11. Boost Immune System
12. Reduce Acne, Scars and Stretch Marks

The Premium Lavender Essential Oil is 100% Pure and is steam distilled for a therapeutic grade quality and comes with a 1 year money back guarantee!

TO PURCHASE:  Premium Lavender Oil at Amazon

**I have received this product, free, in exchange of an honest review.  All opinions are my own and are not influenced by any affiliates or companies.  I only recommend products that I believe will benefit my readers.

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