
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Simple Health Yacon Syrup Review

Are you looking for a healthier alternative to sugar?  Are you diabetic, but watching your sugar but want something sweet?  Well, Simple Health has something called, Yacon Syrup.  Yacon Syrup is diabetic friendly and can be used to lower blood sugar and improve cholesterol.  Yacon syrup is a natural sweetener with great health benefits and a delicious alternative to sugar, maple syrup and honey.

Some of the benefits you will get from Simple Health's Yacon Syrup include

     * Increases Immunity
     * Increase brain function
     * Decreases Inflamation
     * Lowers blood sugar
     * Improves Cholestorol
     * Great for weight loss
     * Stimulates good bacteria
     * Reduces constipation

Yacon syrup does not elevate blood sugar due to it's low GI and high in FOS.  Yacon Syrup is low in calories and is said to naturally boost your metabolism, which helps promote weight loss.  It has a taste that is between sweet molasses and dates, which I find appealing.

Simple Health has a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.  

Directions for use:

As a dietary supplement take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. Yacon Syrup can be used as a sweetener in tea/coffee and other beverages. You can also add it on pancakes or other liquid mixes. Keep in mind that heating yacon syrup to higher temperatures (as in baking) can affect some of its beneficial properties. To maximize its benefits, don’t heat it above 70° C, though adding it to hot drinks like coffee or tea should be fine

If you are diabetic, looking for an alternative to sugar or just wanting to increase your metabolism, improve cholesterol issues and have just an overall well being, you will want to head on over to  Amazon and grab yours today.  It comes in a dark 8 oz. bottle.

***I received the above product, free, in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.  All opinions are 100% my own.  Regardless, I only recommend products I would personally use myself. 


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