
Monday, January 27, 2020

Fun Activities For Your Toddler - Wooden Animal Jigsaw Mini Puzzles

Sometimes toys just doesn't cut it for your toddler.  Kids, after a while of playing with the same toys, start to get bored and look toward something more challenging...something that gets their little minds to thinking.

jigsaw puzzle for kids

I have a three year old grandson who has a very active imagination.  He will go through a whole conversation, actions and a very detailed play with his toys.  There are also those times where he loves to sit down and figure out how things work...and will do so, until he thinks he has it.

puzzles for kids

That is why these wooden animal jigsaw puzzles are perfect for him.  They keep his little mind busy by slightly challenging him on where each piece fits inside this mini puzzle frame.  Once he saw what this package was, when I received it in the mail, he couldn't wait for me to open it up and begin helping him.  Before he could even complete one puzzle, he was already grabbing another.

brody householder playing with animal jigsaw puzzle

This set contains 12 different mini puzzles; cow, deer, snail, turtle, panda, rooster, zebra, boat, train, butterfly, giraffe and lady bug.  These puzzles can be used as an educational toy, helping them to develop hand-eye coordination, motor skills, color and shape recognition.  Each puzzle contains 9 pieces and comes with a brightly colored storage bag.  

jigsaw puzzle for toddlers
The puzzles are non-toxic and safe for little ones.  Each puzzle has smooth edges and the puzzle pieces themselves are coated with environmentally safe water based paint.  These puzzles are perfect for toddler and kids of all ages (even us grown-ups) and help develop problem solving skills.

These puzzles can be found at  sold by Petitoy.  Go check out this puzzle package, as well as others!

***I may have received a complimentary product, in exchange, for my honest and unbiased review. REGARDLESS...all opinions expressed are solely 100% my own.***

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