
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

White Naturals Grapefruit Scrub


Good morning all!  Yes, it's been awhile since I've posted and I do apologize for that!  So many things have happened within the last few months, with so much going on, but what better way to jump back into things, than to continue with this awesome White Naturals Grapefruit Scrub!

I love grapefruit; I love the scent of grapefruit.  Don't ask me why, maybe it's because of the citrusy scent or maybe it's one of those scents that seem to waken my senses, but for whatever reason, I truly enjoy it.  

First, a little about White Naturals before I dig in on why I love this product.  White Naturals provides affordable, quality, organic skin care and beauty products. They have premium scrubs, beard-care sets, masks, creams and other skincare products that can help you achieve softer, smoother and more youthful looking skin. All of their products are organic and cruelty free.

Now, about the product.  The first thing that caught my attention, was the beautiful color of this scrub.  The color resembles the fruity part of the grapefruit.  The actual scrub is not harsh nor contains large rough minerals, but instead, has a more finer texture to it.  The scent of the scrub has a distinctive grapefruit scent, not too harsh of a scent, but just enough that you know you are scrubbing with a grapefruit product.

I was pleasantly pleased at how well this scrub works...and feels!  I've used scrubs before and a lot of them just seemed harsh on my face.  White Naturals Grapefruit Scrub did NOT feel harsh and it left my face feeling so soft, smooth and fresh looking!  It was if my face was introduced to a facial!  

I used this scrub as my first step in my morning routine.  After using it and seeing the results it gave to my dry skin, I was hesitant about applying anything else to my face as I wanted that fresh, glowing look to last as long as it could.  I followed up with my face serum and then my moisturizer, followed by my makeup.  

What does White Natural Grapefruit Scrub contain? ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS!  it contains the following: Dead Sea Salt, Grapefruit Seed Oil, Grapefruit Fruit Extract, Sweet Almond Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Shea Butter, Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E and Castor Oil. 

Above is my Before and After photo, after using White Naturals Grapefruit Scrub. The photos don't really do themselves justice, as how my face actually took on a more healthy glow afterwards, but I promise you, your moisturizer and makeup will go on SO much smoother. White Naturals also has this scrub in Watermelon, Blueberry and Brown Sugar. The organic scrubs are a salt scrub exfoliator that can be applied to both face and body (avoid using it on broken or freshly shaven skin).  The scrubs are rich in Dead Sea Salt that gently removes dead skin cells and is perfect for any skin type.

You can purchase your White Natural Scrubs, as well as other products, at:

***sponsored post***  All opinions expressed are solely 100% my own and I only recommend products that I truly love.

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