
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

National Sundae Day!

When you think of a Sundae, you probably think of a sweet ice cream treat with a couple scoops of ice cream, with a chocolate or caramel topping, topped with a bright, red, juicy cherry!

Today, November 11th, is declared the National Sundae Day and what better way to celebrate Veterans Day with a Sundae!  You can top that Sundae of yours with many toppings...nuts, caramel, chocolate, colorful sprinkles or bits of broken pieces of candy bars...AND DON'T FORGET THE CHERRY!  The cherry is what finishes the perfect Sundae!

Here is a recipe that you can try at home:

2 scoops of ice-cream - your choice
whipped topping
fudge or caramel topping
strawberry topping (fresh or strawberry glaze topping)
pineapple topping

Topping are endless!  If you don't like pineapple, omit it and use bananas instead.  Get creative and create your perfect Sundae!

Grab that perfect glass dish for your ice cream and layer first, the caramel or chocolate topping, ice cream (one or two scoops) or go wild and add more, drizzle it with more chocolate or caramel topping, whipped cream and sprinkle with nuts.  If you like cherries, add the cherry to the top of your Sundae to top it off!

I want to hear what your favorite toppings are!  Do you have specific toppings you top your Sundae?  Let me hear them!!

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