
Thursday, November 13, 2014

November Winds

I know the time is coming and I've enjoyed the warm weather so far, but I am NOT ready for this cold November season!  We've not had a terribly hot summer, kinda mild and not-too-hot, but getting used to the winds, temps dropping down in the 30's, is not my cup of tea...Coffee anyone?

November winds can be harsh, but not as harsh as December's.  Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I'm wondering how the weather will be then?  I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, but I can't recall last November being this cold!  On the bright side, the best thing about cold weather is snuggling up with a warm fuzzy blanket, grabbing a nice hot cup of coffee or cocoa and just staying inside watching movies (when I'm not working).  

And...I don't know if it's just me, but when cold weather hits, and for long periods of time such as into winter, I tend to get kind of on the lazy side.  NOT GOOD!  Bikini and swim suit weather are no longer hear and are long gone (at least in my part of the country) and now is the time to think about getting back into shape before next summer!  I KNOW I CAN, I CAN DO IT! At least that is what I keep telling myself.  Do you find it hard to get motivated to workout during the cold months?

Best meals to prepare for the upcoming cold months in my household include: Chili, stews, soups and anything considered comfort foods.  What are some of your comfort foods you like to cook on these cold winter days?  

How is the weather in your part of the country?  Warm, hot or getting frigid cold?  Drop me a line, I want to hear!  Happy NOVEMBER to you all!


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