Although I've had stainless steel appliances for awhile, this is the first time I've actually used a stainless steel cleaner on them.
Normally, I use vinegar and water or Windex, but it takes FOREVER to get to where I can get all the fingerprints off and then, I have to deal with the smudges. The finger prints, grime and you name's just not so easy to get it all off without a LOT of scrubbing, not to mention, getting that smudge proof look.
This TriNova Stainless Steel Cleaner works like a miracle! It took me less than 5 minutes to clean my frig and that includes buffing it dry. All I had to do was spray a little on my refrigerator, buff with the cloth that came with the cleaner and then used the other side of the cloth to finish it off.
I will admit, I was not only shocked, but amazed how well and how easy this cleaner worked on restoring my stainless steel refrigerator back to it's new look. I then proceeded to clean my dishwasher and the stainless steel parts of my gas cooking stove.
I always dreaded cleaning my refrigerator and stove, just because it took so long and took a lot of muscle to get it to looking half way decent. It is DEFINITELY worth investing in a stainless steel cleaner like TriNova!
No scrubbing, fast results and a brand new shiny frig! The TriNova Stainless Steel Cleaner is available at
***I received a complimentary product, in exchange, for my honest and unbiased review. REGARDLESS...I only recommend products that I have tried and love***
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